Giving back

Before trimming
Appalachian Trail in Maryland before trimming


I’m one of these folks that feel they have a duty to return the favor for what others have done. An example of this is the Appalachian Trail, a marked foot trail in the Eastern US that is about 2,000 miles long and spans uninterrupted from Maine to Georgia. The AT, as it’s called, is a local treasure and a nice place to take a leisurely walk with our dog, find a nice view and have lunch.  The AT was built by and is still maintained by a hoard of volunteers. An endless task and always more to do there there is time

Trimmed, 1st day
Appalachian Trail in Maryland after first days trimming



I try to help out as often as I can. Here’s a few pictures of some work we’ve done recently, with more to come in the future. This is a section of the Appalachian Trail that passes under a powerline with a cleared right of way and so it gets a lot of sun. Since it’s in the wild, with full sun, the wild plants grow, well, like wild, and one of the gnarliest of the all is multi-flora rose. One mean rose. The first and second picture are from June 10,  and the final clean shot is from June 25.  A nice section to walk through without the poison ivy, wild rose or ticks attacking.

Appalachian Trail in MD after trimming
Appalachian Trail Under Power Lines all done